13 August 2009

Back to the futu...well, the past, actually.

Hmm, another retrospective weekend. I don't apologise for this- as far as I can see, it's all part of one wide spectrum, and any part of it can and should be enjoyed by anyone.
Anyway, I mentioned the Little Murders reissue earlier this week- it's getting an official launch at the Tote on Friday.

That should be a fine sweaty night, and it's only $10.00
On Sunday afternoon, a bunch of folks are gathering at the Corner for a one-off (yeah I know everyone always says that, but I think this time it's actually true) reformation show by the Ears.

Hot on the heels of the recent "Dogs In Space" re-release, this promises to be pretty big. And it's being co-presented by Dolores San Miguel- if that's not a mark of quality for the era in question, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

  1. Sunday at The Corner was pretty damn fine.
    That drummer burned up the riser
    (did he have a riser?)
    and The Ears burned up the stage.
    The crowd was givin up The Love too.
    Rock ON.


Make your mark, pup.

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