23 October 2008

A Triple Album Got Murdered; Crawdaddy disagrees

Crawdaddy online has gone all moist over the Clash's "Sandinista". Please don't make me laugh.

This was an overblown and limp piece of excess iand if Somebody should have been Murdered I'd have nominated the putz who hauled in a children's choir to contribute. Major Fail. Two bottles of Rolling Rock outta five.

Flame me in the comments section if you disagree (you especially Bucko.)


  1. i actually prefer it to "london calling"

    but then again, i like dub

  2. tell it to the st trinian's school choir. let's be brutal and cut this 3LP set down to a single album.

  3. naw, let's do "exile on main st." instead.

    or just listen to "combat rock." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Make your mark, pup.

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