23 October 2008

Some neutral advice

DO NOT try and shift 20 longnecks of homebrew in a two-wheeled shopping trolley. It will break. And you then will have to carry the fucking thing. Note- not a supermarket trolley, which from experience can handle four slabs easily- one of these contraptions:
Also, DO NOT use the scissors on a Swiss Army knife to cut steel guitar strings. it will work, in that the strings will come off, but it will also ruin your scissors for anything else. Clearly, this is not an issue faced in Switzerland. This is the first thing that has managed to damage my knife, and I am pissed off. The Swiss should stick to what they know- cue picture of new Lindt Petit Desserts Dark Orange:That is all.


  1. it serves you right for having a nanna trolley.

    though the mental picture is rather awesome.

  2. Don't stop now.
    You have been on a roll.
    Specicially would appreciate a report next week of happening on 14th, 15th and 16th.


Make your mark, pup.

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