04 June 2007

Where are my pirate pants?

The groovy youngsters about town who think that the 80s were all about the "angular" rock a la the Gang of Four, skinny ties and tight black jeans may be in for a rude awakening. The National Gallery of Victoria here in Melbourne is running an exhibition of fashion by Brisbane designer Katie Pye.
I never wore this kind of thing- I escaped the worst excesses, with only one or two dodgy haircuts and a "Blue Monday" 12 inch- but I knew plenty of people who did. The cross-buttoned "Spinnaker" shirt in particular brought back some strong memories.
There's also the added bonus of a video installation, which includes not one but two of Pseudo Echo's efforts. They were big customers of hers, apparently, but frankly, the Strokes they ain't. Which isn't saying much.


  1. I confess, I WAS an 80's fashion tragedy - my 2 biggest regrets tho' - perming my hair and giving away my Adam & The Ants album !!sadly, I still miss that album..(was that you I just heard choking on your beer?!!)

  2. I still have "Dirk Wears White Socks" & "Kings Of The Wild Frontier". Did you give away the one with "Prince Charming" on it? No great loss...

  3. 'twas "Kings Of The Wild Frontier"..what an idiot I was!!
    I used to see a Heavy Metal band (Blackjack) back in the 80's that did a cover version of the 'Ants Jolly Roger...farkin' funny!!
    "hoist the Jolly Roger
    It's your money that we want
    And your money we shall have"



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