26 June 2007

ARIA Hall of Fame awards

I was intrigued to see Radio Birdman and the Hoodoo Gurus had both been scheduled for induction into the ARIA Hall of Fame this year.
I'm a fan, the ceremony itself is being held in Melbourne, I've got a few spare dollars right now- it should be no drama to find out who's arranging it, get a ticket and then head along to the Plaza Ballroom in my best duds on 18th July for a big night out, right?
After three weeks of asking, I finally got sent a ticket order form-there are no press passes available apparently, but then I wasn't banking much on that, anyway.
$475.00 to see a couple of songs and get a three course rubber chicken dinner? Err, no, thanks.
I know that the Hall of Fame sponsors the work done by Support Act, and they will be recieving any profits, but really, $475.00 buys a lot of beers, even for an industry crowd, and especially when the TV rights have already been sold.
So, congratulations to the bands & people who are getting this well-deserved recognition, but now will you please play somewhere I can come and see you?

As usual, click on that image to see an enlarged version.

1 comment:

  1. I agre... $475 is an exorbitant price even converted to USD that's more than six times what was paid for my ticket to Georgia Music Hall Of Fame ceremonies last Sept. I expected rubber chicken, but din din was a pleasant surprise... really tasty roast beef and salmon... and the fish was even tender! hard to do when serving around 3,000 folks. If you can pony up the dough, I tell you it's a great feeling to cheer on the band(s) you love right there in the same room.


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