03 March 2010

No News is good news

For those of you not in Ostralia, the local media has been flooded this past week with horror reports from Whitney Houston's train-wreck local tour.

Tales of an unwell Whitney scarcely able to hit a high note and taking 15-minute "costume change" breaks have been contrasted with images of pissed-off fans walking out in protest after forking out 200 smackers a ticket.

As the tour became more of a disaster, the louder were the screams of defence from the promoter, who was desperately justifying why Houston should be given a "fair go".

Prompting similar thoughts about the way Baby Boomer icons on their last career legs are toured in out-of-the-way (i.e. Not The USA) countries in the hope of turning a buck comes the news that Huey Lewis and The News are non-starters for an Australian tour. Huey (why do I laugh when I type that name?) is citing the pressing need to finish a new album. Must be one important record.

On the other hand, near non-existent ticket sales would have nothing to do with this, would they? Or maybe the wails about Whitney are forcing a re-think about audience gullibility.

Huey fans, flame away.

1 comment:

  1. Are we not all sick of has beens hitting the comeback trail?

    They stopped selling records for a reason, they lost their touch or are no longer relevant.

    I love a blast from the past as much as anyone, but I prefer to get mine via a quality CD rather than watch someone old enough to be the grandparent of half the audience attempting to show they still have it.

    I think they have a hard time justifying the huge price of tickets when they just don't have "it" any more.


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