20 December 2009

Things we do when hungover, part 115

So, I booked a ticket for ATP NY today.

I have no passport, and haven't told my employer yet. Oh well.
Fuck your SxSW, the Scientists are doing "Blood Red River" before Mudhoney do "Superfuzzbigmuff" AND THEN the Stooges do "Raw Power". I'll be in another country getting fucked up to all that- what could possibly go wrong? There's a decent Melbourne contingent signed up already- see you there?


  1. Coming. Ooops, that was too much information, wasn't it? mixhelle

  2. relentless self-promotion...yes, I got that bit.

  3. Indeed, Ellie. The way people talk about themselves on anonymous blogs is a disgrace.


Make your mark, pup.

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