06 January 2009

Welcome back- to bad news.

Well, there I was all set to post some good shit for the start of the year, when I heard the news that legendary Stooges guitarist Ron Asheton had been found dead in his Detroit home.

There's nothing online about this as yet, and given the time difference I wouldn't expect anything for a few hours, but anyway...vale, Ron.

I will, indeed, play some fucking Stooges.


  1. hey, where did you hear this? it's not been confirmed anywhere yet

  2. I got it from my pal the Barman, about two hours before posting.
    He had this to say about how the news broke:
    I'm back online and unhappy to say I was maybe the 4th person in the fucking world (apart from the cops who found the body) to hear the news.
    Someone known to Muzz and I got a cryptic email about this time yesterday. I insisted he call the people who sent it. They were close friends of Ron's and had been concerned that he hadn't been contactable for 3 days. The cops checked out his house in Ann Arbor and called them back with the bad news.

    So there you go, jimbob.


Make your mark, pup.

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