16 April 2007

Rock & roll nurse.

Well, never let it be said I'm not open to new ideas.
Yesterday I got acupunctured by the lovely Janine Hall, the former bassplayer for the Young Charlatans and the Saints, among others. It was odd, and good, and seems to have helped calm the ringing in my ear. I could have done without passing out, though- that one needle to relax me worked a bit too well.
This has been a big month for for getting things stuck in me- a flu shot, a tattoo, and now this. Back for more later this week, I think.
After that I went over to the idGAFF to catch some of Steve Lucas' solo set, in front of a disappointingly small crowd. Come on people, where the hell were you all?

And here's another sauna pic, as promised. Those of you with keen eyes will see it features some of the same people, and indeed the same photo.

Edit- well, if Photobucket don't like it, maybe Flickr will. Let's try that again:

1 comment:

  1. Looks like someone's exercising some safe sauna. guess maybe someone else shoulda kept their legs crossed... tee hee!


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