20 November 2006

Wintergarden Room

Had a good night on Saturday, at the re-opened Wintergarden Room. It's pretty flash compared to how I remembered it- a big renovated space upstairs. Dolores & Chane are great hosts, and if there was a riot going on up in Collins St., I didn't notice it.
Ran into several old friends including Paul Elliot, from PolyEster , who was telling me the vice squad have returned most of the DVDs they seized in the raid, and are only going to charge him in relation to six of them. I can't recall the titles, but they all sounded filthy. Why not sign the online petition here to show him some support ahead of the trial?


  1. The Wintergarden Room is very swish indeed. Very modern with a lounge like feel. What more do you need when you have a live band, beer and good company.

    I am signing the petition!

  2. I didn't see the riots while in the city that night either?
    I must've had something better to do!
    Signing the petition, I am...

  3. Heya TJHoneysuckle, I am owning the 1st comment on this topic too!

    - Pea Beau (the lush)


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